Tucson Gem Haul: Find Out What's Coming to the Shop, Before it Gets There!
My panshir emerald melee is now sorted (see below,) I'll be offering sizes from 1mm-2mm in small batches. Some small Russian emeralds are coming up.

I also secured more beautiful boulder and black opal from Australia. More sizes and colors of sapphire and ruby melee being listed as we speak, as well as more Vietnamese spinel including some collectors sizes that I'm super happy with. The lavenders and lilac colors are very hard to get, and to me, very unusual because they have almost no notes of secondary gray.
What I didn't buy much of was tourmaline - prices seemed very high at the moment. I did buy paraiba melee of course but prices on those have gone up as well. I was surprised that there still were any. A couple more larger paraibas will be listed in upcoming weeks.

For more new gems, be sure to follow us on Youtube! Here are a few of the latest videos, showcasing our brand new gems, straight from Tucson:
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