NEW NEW NEW: Rings, Pendants, & Earrings for Alternate Stone Shapes

With Tucson around the corner, I've been thinking long and hard about what new items I could make that would offer up some options for alternate stone shapes. My main focus this time was the oval, or rather, the roval. In particular, designs that allow for more 3x2 and 4x3 options. There are so many 4x3 ovals on the market and they often cost less, too. So I worked on a new Lily using those, and Elizabeth shapes for earrings.
OVAL LILY: These take a 4mm center stone, 4 4x3mm ovals and 2mm (or smaller) gems on the outside. The width is 17mm, so it's a nice and substantial size.
Pricing is $680 for the pendant and $760 for the ring in 14kt (note these are new gold prices as gold has gone up a few hundred dollars in the past few months).
ELIZABETH EARRINGS: These earrings can be made into studs or danglies, and the components could also be used in a bracelet or as part of a necklace. They are made for 4x3 and 3x2mm gems. Prices are $420 for the larger and $390 for the smaller earrings.
HEXAGON FOR OVALS: While we were at it, we also made hexagons for rovals (4x3mm and 3x2mm). The smaller hexagons are priced at $370 in 14Kt gold and the larger ones are $400.
STAR FLOWER PENDANT WITH 8 PETALS: We made this model for 3x2mm gems only, because I wanted to feature the hauyne I have but we can also get Burma spinel and hopefully a few other sizes in Tucson. The center stone is 4mm but I can go up to 4.5mm. I have a ring version of this as well, but it isn't finished yet. These are priced at $480 for the pendant and $580 for the ring (coming soon!) in 14Kt gold.
STACKING RINGS: We came out with six new models, five of which are in the photos here. All are priced at $220, which will be our new price for 14 Kt gold stacking rings. They are made for 6x4 pears and ovals, as well as 3x2 ovals (east west and north south).
NEW DESIGNS IN PROGRESS: Another underappreciated stone shape for us has been the trillion. We made a scalloped design for a 6mm center and 15 x 1.5mm round sidestones, pendant and ring. The pendant will cost $650 and the ring costs $710 in 14Kt gold. The pendant just came out, the ring will be available after Tucson.
And we also made a design for a 7mm stone which is currently with Alex for engraving of the sides. You'll have to imagine the finished product, but here's how it looks in the CAD. We made the prongs super long so that we can also set a slightly larger than 7mm gem, which we'd open the prongs up a little to accommodate. A 7mm or a hair smaller gem will sit as shown in the image, and the prongs will be cut down to tiny claws as in all our designs. The sidestones are 2x2.5rds, 2x 1.6rds and 2x1.5rds or 1x 2.5mm.
Finally, we have a design coming for a 6mm cushion, an adaptation of last year's prize winner Josephine. The sidestones for this will be 4x 1.7mm round & 12x 1.3ish mm round. This model is currently in printing, but we will have a finished item later in February to show you.